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Custom pipes

The useWillPipe hook is used to implement custom pipes.

A custom pipe is a React functional component the renders null (although it could in principle return another React component). The pipe becomes more predictable by not returning anything.

This is the simplest possible pipe implementation.

import React from "react";
import {useWillPipe} from "@morningtrain/react-pipelines";
export default function CustomPipe() {
useWillPipe(payload => {
/// Perform pipe action
return payload;
return null;

The pipe will execute synchronously any logic added inside the callback.


Pipes gets passed a payload object that should always be returned from the pipe. If the payload is not returned, it will not be provided to any following pipes.

In order to execute any asynchronous tasks in the pipe, the pipe should return a promise which resolves the payload whenever the task has been completed.

import React from "react";
import {useWillPipe} from "@morningtrain/react-pipelines";
export default function CustomAsyncPipe() {
useWillPipe(payload => {
return new Promise(((resolve, reject) => {
/// Perform async pipe action
.then(() => {
.catch(() => {
reject(new Error('Something bad happended'));
return null;

It is possible to prevent the execution of any following pipes by rejecting the promise or by throwing an Exception in the case of the synchronous pipe.

useEffect dependencies#

The useWillPipe hook implements React.useEffect under the hood. A dependencies arguments has been added to useWillPipe in order to support passing any dependencies to useEffect.

Passing an array with all dependencies as the second parameter will ensure that the executed pipe has access to all recent instances of any variables defined outside the scope of the callback.

import React from "react";
import {useWillPipe} from "@morningtrain/react-pipelines";
export default function CustomAsyncPipe() {
const someDependency = React.useState(false);
useWillPipe(payload => {
return new Promise(((resolve, reject) => {
/// Perform async pipe action
.then(() => {
.catch(() => {
reject(new Error('Something bad happended'));
}, [someDependency]);
return null;

An empty array will be passed to useEffect if nothing is provided to useWillPipe. The resulting behaviour will be that its internal useEffect callback will only trigger when the component mounts and unmounts.


Always pass all dependencies as the second parameter to the useWillPipe hook. If not all dependencies are provided, then it might not be the current version of the pipe callback that is executed.

The useWillPipe hook is essentially a wrapper around React.useEffect.

Any dependency should be stable - meaning that they should not change on every render. Unstable dependencies will lead to undesireable infinite loops.