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The ConditionalNestedPipeline component is very similar to the NestedPipeline component. It will also render a new nested pipeline - but it will only trigger its nested pipeline whenever a given condition is true.

The condition is based on a value in the payload.

It takes the following props:

  • when: The name of the payload value - it can be in dot notation to get nested values.
  • matches: The value to make an equally check (===) against

Basic example:

import React from "react";
import {Pipeline, NestedPipeline} from "@morningtrain/react-pipelines";
export default function BasicPipelineWithNestedPipeline() {
return (
/* The pipeline trigger */
{/* ... */}
/* Pseudo(example) pipe that will ask the user to confirm
* It will add a confirmation object to the payload with
* details about what happended.
<ConditionalNestedPipeline when={'confirmation.confirmed'} matches={true} >
{/* Sequential nested pipe */}
{/* Sequential nested pipe */}
{/* Sequential nested pipe */}

The above example display a simple use-case where we will only execute a part of our pipeline whenever a certain condition is true. In this case, the following object should exist on our payload object:

"confirmation": {
"confirmed": true