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The NestedAsyncPipeline component is essentially a pipe that will trigger a new AsyncPipeline that is wrapped around its children.

The real power comes from mixing synchronous and asynchronous pipelines.

In the following example, all upper-level pipes are executed in sequence while the nested pipes are executed in parallel. The last 3 pipes after the nested pipeline will not execute until all 3 async pipes are done.

import React from "react";
import {Pipeline, NestedAsyncPipeline} from "@morningtrain/react-pipelines";
export default function BasicPipelineWithNestedAsyncPipeline() {
return (
/* The pipeline trigger */
{/* ... */}
/* The pipes of the pipeline */
{/* Sequential pipe */}
{/* Sequential pipe */}
{/* Sequential pipe */}
{/* Async nested pipe */}
{/* Async nested pipe */}
{/* Async nested pipe */}
{/* Sequential pipe */}
{/* Sequential pipe */}
{/* Sequential pipe */}