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This is a custom hook that listens to the isPiping property on the pipeline context object.

The pipeline is internally storing the isPiping (boolean) status in a React ref and will trigger any assigned event listeners when changing.

useIsPiping returns a React state and setter function and can be used like this:

import React from "react";
import {useIsPiping} from "@morningtrain/react-pipelines";
export default function CompoentUsingIsPiping(){
const [isPiping] = useIsPiping();
return isPiping ? 'We are piping': 'Nothing piping right now';

Or if the setter is needed (which should rarely ever be the case)

import React from "react";
import {useIsPiping} from "@morningtrain/react-pipelines";
export default function CompoentUsingIsPipingSetter(){
const [isPiping, setIsPiping] = useIsPiping();
const handleOnClick = () => {
if(isPiping) {
return (
<button onClick={handleOnClick}>
{isPiping ? 'We are piping - click to stop': 'Nothing piping right now'}

Note that changing the isPiping state manually will not actually trigger or abort the pipeline.

The main purpose will be to create a conditional component the renders its children (or not) based on the isPiping state.

import React from "react";
import {useIsPiping} from "@morningtrain/react-pipelines";
export default function WhenIsPiping({children}){
const [isPiping] = useIsPiping();
return isPiping ? children : null;

It could then be used like this:

{/* Some loading animation */}

The above components (WhenIsPiping) and its opposite component (WhenIsNotPiping) are provided from the package.